giovedì 30 gennaio 2014

Community Days 2014

Organized by Italian community and user group devoted to Microsoft products and technologies, to offer study days in the form of technical conferences.

 Community Days 2014

martedì 14 gennaio 2014

Calling a WCF service through a proxy server.

C# .NET Framework 4.0

I have an application client that calls a WCF service and in this client uses a proxy for the internet connection, so when I call my service I must first provide the proxy authentication.
I have created a class that implements the IWebProxy interface:

namespace Utililty {
   public class ProxyConfig : IWebProxy {

        public ICredentials Credentials {
                using (var context = new AOEntities())
                    var query =
                        from data in context.ConnectionParameters
                        where data.ServerName.Equals("Proxy")
                        select data;

                    if (query.Any())
                        var parameters = query.FirstOrDefault();
                        if (parameters != null) return new NetworkCredential(parameters.UserName, parameters.Password);

                    return null;
            set { }

        public Uri GetProxy(Uri destination) {
            return WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy().GetProxy(destination);

        public bool IsBypassed(Uri host) {
            return WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy().IsBypassed(host);

In this example, I retrieve the credentials from a SQL Server database, but if you prefer you can put in the application configuration file.

Then in the application configuration file (app.config), I have added this section:

     <module type=" Utililty.ProxyConfig, Utililty"/>

and the attribute useDefaultWebProxy="trueat the WCF binding configuration.

The ProxyConfig object will have call automatically before your call to service.

Peace & Love!